The Founding of the Esports Research Network
The ERN was founded on the 7th July 2019 at the ESL One Cologne Event by researchers from
Tampere University, Jönköping University, and University of Siegen.
This network was formed to foster future research collaborations. The goal is to connect researchers around the world and create a meeting point for researchers and practitioners. Thereby the Esports Research Network is open for anybody and is an interdisciplinary research group that examines the esports phenomenon.
Founding Institutions:
Tampere University
University of Siegen
Jönköping University

Mission Statement
The Esports Research Network is a collaboration of various researchers fostering interdisciplinary research on the emerging phenomenon of esports. Esports is truly global and truly digital, therefore, esports can be utilized to research existing social issues and act as foresight into the digitised world. Research on esports can be seen as a future lab.
Furthermore, in order to understand esports, it is necessary to research in-depth the social impact, the evolution of esports as well as the current and future role of esports in society. The goals of the Esports Research Network are to gain rigorous insights into esports, foster the sustainable growth of esports, shape the role of esports in the society and translate this knowledge to obtain cognition for the digitised world society is growing into.
Our Goals:
⋅ Connect researchers around the world
⋅ Achieve rigor and relevance in esports research
⋅ Teach the next generation
⋅ Foster diversity in esports
⋅ Create a link to practitioners
⋅ Help other researchers to enter esports research
⋅ Solve essential problems in a fitting way for esports and the digitized society