Browse Items (1782 total)

The Intellectual Structure of Esports Research. (2024). Vallverdú V., Plaza-Navas M., Raya J., Torres-Prunonosa J. Entertainment Computing.

Wachholz F, Gamper N and Schnitzer M (2025) An 8-week physical exercise intervention for e'athletes improves physical performance rather than short-term esports performance parameters - a randomized controlled trial. Front. Sports Act. Living…

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Les impacts des programmes de sports électroniques sur les joueurs (The impact of Esports programs on players). (2025). Huard Pelletier, V., Chapleau, E., St-Amand-Tellier, B., Tétreau, C.

Martončik, M., Karhulahti, V., Jin, Y., Adamkovič, M.
Psychological Predictors of Long-term Esports Success: A Registered Report. Collabra: Psychology 16 January 2024; 10 (1): 117677. doi:

Karakuş, K. (2022). The examination of relationship between e-sports players’ the athlete identities and effective communication levels. Mediterranean Journal of Sport Science, 5(2), 241-253. DOI: 10.38021/asbid.1117316

Karakuş, K., Cevahircioğlu, B., Apaydın, N. (2021). The examination of the commitment to sports and athlete sleep behaviour of esports players. The Journal of International Anatolia Sport Science, 6(3), 50-64. DOI: 10.5505/jiasscience.2022.25744

Charting the scientific landscape of esports, Castro, Leonardo C., 2024,

Białecki, A. & Michalak, B, & Gajewski, J. (2024). Esports Training, Periodization, and Software—A Scoping Review. Applied Sciences. 14. 10.3390/app142210354.

Brain, J., Quartiroli, A., & Wagstaff, C. R. (2024). Transitioning From Traditional Sport to Esport: Exploring Sport Psychology Practitioners’ Experiences. The Sport Psychologist (published online ahead of print 2024).…

Nothelfer, N., & Seth E. Jenny, Seth E. & Besombes, N. (2024). Defining and Spelling Esports. Routledge Handbook of Esports, 6-18.

Richardson, A. (2024). Entering Cheat Codes or to Play True: Where is Anti-Doping going within Esports? . International Journal of Esports, 1(1). Retrieved from

Richardson, A., Tjønndal, A., Demetrovics, Z., & Bates, G. (2024). Issues and threats to the integrity of esports. Performance Enhancement & Health, 12(3), 100297. doi:10.1016/j.peh.2024.100297

Nothelfer, N., & Schlotthauer, P. (2024). Einführung ins eSport-Recht - Kennzeichen der Branche und rechtliche Implikationen. E-Sports-Management, 41-72.

Filotrani, L. (2023). MAINSTREAM MEDIA COVERAGE (UK) OF ESPORTS TOURNAMENT THE ‘EPREMIER LEAGUE’ FINALS 2019 AND 2021. A MIXED-METHODS STUDY. PhD Thesis London South Bank University School of Arts and Creative Industries…

Białecki, Andrzej & Xenopoulos, Peter & Dobrowolski, Pawel & Białecki, Robert & Gajewski, Jan. (2024). ESPORT: Electronic Sports Professionals Observations and Reflections on Training. Physical Culture and Sport Studies and Research.…

Ho, W.K., Sum, K.W.R. & Tang, D. A scoping review on physical literacy domains associated with participation in sports video games among youth and adolescence. Curr Psychol (2024).

Dupuy, A., Campbell, M. J., Harrison, A. J., & Toth, A. J. (2024). On the necessity for biomechanics research in esports. Sports Biomechanics, 1–13.

Lefebvre, F., Besombes, N., & Chanavat, N. (2024). Analysis of the interactions among core stakeholders of the Olympic media ecosystem: conditions for a value creation proposition of the Olympic Virtual Series. Journal of Media Business Studies,…

V. Thiruchelvam and W. Bee Suan, "Recognizing Esports as a Sport from an Academic Perspective," 2022 IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing and Electrical Circuits and Electronics (ICDCECE), Ballari, India, 2022, pp. 1-4, doi:…

Rintämaki, J., Jane Hayday, E., & Loat, R. (2023). "Chapter 31: Corporate social (ir-)responsibility - CSR in esports: a strategic bridge to sport for development?". In Handbook of Sport and International Development. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar…

Shinohara, T. (2023). Fighting Corruption in Esports. Towards Good Governance in Light of Integrity, Transparency and Neutrality. In: Gilardi, F., Martin, P. (eds) Esports in the Asia-Pacific. Palgrave Series in Asia and Pacific Studies. Palgrave…

Pérez Cortés, L. E. (2024). Literacies at play: Digital-age literacies in high school esports. In Literacies of the Esports Ecosystem (pp. 11–66). Brill.

Lee, Y. H., Shin, W., & Cho, H. (2023). Factors influencing the intentions of people with disabilities to participate in e-sports: An application of the theory of planned behavior. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching

Baltzar, P., Hassan, L., Turunen, M. (2023). “It’s Easier to Play Alone”: A Survey Study of Gaming With Disabilities in Journal of Electronic Gaming and Esports.

Cairns, P., Power, C., Barlet, M., Haynes, G. (2019). Future design of accessibility in games: A design vocabulary. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies.

Brown, M., & Anderson, S. L. (2021). Designing for Disability: Evaluating the State of Accessibility Design in Video Games. Games and Culture, 16(6), 702-718.

Anderson, S. L., & Schrier, K. (Kat). (2022). Disability and Video Games Journalism: A Discourse Analysis of Accessibility and Gaming Culture. Games and Culture, 17(2), 179-197.

Schöber, T., Haut, N., Stahl, D., Baulig, C., Baur, P., Felgendreher, L., Franke, A., Gower, J., Schult, J., Weichert, N. (2024). Strukturen und Facilities: Infrastruktur, Stakeholder, Ausstattung und Räumlichkeiten im elektronischen Sport. Meyer &…

F. Santini, R. Pettinelli (2023). Technological innovation and labor law. Beetween 'sport' and 'entertainment': the e-sports. University of Bologna.

Klose, S., Schöber, T. (2023). Marketing im E-Sport. Das 4C Framework und Optionen zur Vermarktung in der Welt. Meyer & Meyer Verlag.

Kartal, M. (2023). Career Opportunities and Threats in Esports.Mediterranean Journal of Sport Science (MJSS).

Richardson, A., Berger, N. and Smith, P. (2023). Perceptions of Cheating and Doping in E-Cycling.

Richardson, A., Smith, P. and Berger, N. (2022). Zwift’s anti–doping policy: Is it open to cheating? International Journal of Esports.

Kartal, M. (2023). Accessibility Technologies in Esports and Their Impact on Quality of Life in People with Physical Disabilities. International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences.

M. Nicholson, C. McNulty, T. Pavey, D. Poulus, C. Thompson, R. Robergs, V. Kelly (2023). Quantifying Physical Activity and Self-Determination towards Exercise among Esports Players. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport.

Jenny, S. E., Keiper, M. C., ^Taylor, B. J., Williams, D. P., Gawrysiak, J., Manning, R. D., & Tutka, P. M. (2018). eSports Venues: A New Sport Business Opportunity. Journal of Applied Sport Management.

Jenny, S. E., Krause, J. M., & Armstrong, T. (2021). Technology for Physical Educators, Health Educators, and Coaches: Enhancing Instruction, Assessment, Management, Professional Development, and Advocacy. Human Kinetics

Williams, D. P., Tutka, P., Gawrysiak, J., Jenny, S. E. (2021). NCAA e-sports 20XX: an analysis of radical innovation adoption through firm collaboration. International Journal Sport Management and Marketing.

Scott, M. J., Summerley, R., Besombes, N., Connolly, C., Gawrysiak, J., Halevi, T., Jenny, S., Miljanovic, M., Strange, M., Taipalus, T., & Williams, J. P. (2021). Towards a Framework to Support the Design of Esports Curricula in Higher Education.…

Jenny, S., Gawrysiak, J., & Besombes, N. (2021). An Inventory and Analysis of Global Higher Education Esports Academic Programming and Curricula. International Journal of Esports.

Jenny, S. E., Gawrysiak, J., & Besombes, N. (2021). Current Landscape of Higher Education Performance
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Schary, D. P., Jenny, S. E., & Koshy, A (2022). Leveling Up Esports Health: Current Status and Call to Action. International Journal of Esports.

Jenny, S. E., Chung, J., & Krause, J. M. (2022). Sport Video Gaming Verses Direct Instruction: Examining Sport Knowledge and Future Sport Intention. Creative Commons.

Krause, J. M., & Jenny, S. E. (2023). Physical Educators’ Exergaming Integration Experiences, Attitudes, and Self-Efficacy Beliefs. Sagamore Publishing.

Besombes, N., & Jenny, S. E. (2022). The Truth about Esports during the Pandemic: Generalizable Economic Sustainability Lessons Learned in France. Jönköping University.

Catarina N. Matias, Joana Cardoso, Margarida L. Cavaca, Sofia Cardoso, Rita Giro, João Vaz, Pedro A. Couto, Artemisa Rocha Dores, Tiago B. Ferreira, G.M. Tinsley, Filipe J. Teixeira (2023). Game on: A cross-sectional study on gamers’ mental health,…

Jenny, S. E. (2022). Track chair: Esports and education. Jönköping University.

Jenny, S. E., & Pastore, R. (2023). A Bunch of Big Idiots Smack into Each Other” – A Mixed-Method Investigation of Learning Rugby through Video Gaming Compared to Traditional Instruction. Elsevier.

Besombes, N. & Jenny, S. E. (2023). Paradoxical Effects of the Health Crisis within the Esports Industry: How French Esports Organizations Illuminate the Perceived Revenue Growth Façade. Palgrave Macmillan.

McNulty, C., Jenny, S. E., Leis, O., Poulus, D., Sondergeld, P., & Nicholson, M. (2023). Physical Exercise and Performance in Esports Players: An Initial Systematic Review. Journal of Electronic Gaming and Esports.

Baumann, A., Mentzoni, R. A., Erevik, E., & Pallesen, S. (2022). A qualitative study on Norwegian esports students’ sleep, nutritional and physical activity habits and the link to health and performance. International Journal of Esports

Bach, D. (2023). Urheber- und kartellrechtliche Grenzen für Publisher im E-Sport. Springer Wiesbaden.

Hattingh, W., Van den Berg, L. and Bevan-Dye, A. (2023). The “why” behind generation Y amateur gamers' ongoing eSports gameplay intentions. Emerald Publishing.

Nothelfer, N. (2023). eSportler, Sozialversicherung. Stichwort-Kommentar zum eSport-Recht, 447-454.

Nothelfer, N. (2023). Gewerkschaft. Stichwort-Kommentar zum eSport-Recht, 526-534.

Nothelfer, N., & Klaus, S. (2023). Visum. Stichwort-Kommentar zum eSport-Recht, 1038-1040.

Nothelfer, N., & Klaus, S. (2023). Immigration. Stichwort-Kommentar zum eSport-Recht, 557-575.

Nothelfer, N., & Klaus, D. (2023). Einreise. Stichwort-Kommentar zum eSport-Recht, 391.

Nothelfer, N., & Klaus, D. (2023). Aufenthalt. Stichwort-Kommentar zum eSport-Recht, 121-123.

Nothelfer, N., & Klaus, D. (2023). Arbeitserlaubnis. Stichwort-Kommentar zum eSport-Recht, 38-39.

Nothelfer, N. & Trunk, D. (2022). Die Verletzung der Wettkampfintegrität im eSport durch Umgehen spielinterner Ranking-Systeme.

Nothelfer, N. (2022). Die Inkorporation des eSports in das deutsche Rechtssystem – Definition, rechtlicher Status Quo und Regelungsansätze.

Lange, S. M. (2022). E-Sport im Fernsehen-Eine Analyse der Chancen eines neuen Themenfelds bei deutschen Fernsehsendern.

Zhang, J. (2022). Understanding Personal Motivation between Willingness to Participate in E-sports and Potential Consumption (Doctoral dissertation).

Roman, D. (2022). Next generation sport fandom: interrogating the complexities and opportunities of esports and digital fan engagement in the Australian context.

Le Luan, N. T., & Nguyen Ba Long, K. (2022). eSports: from a competition to a billion-dollar industry: Tencent Ltd case study.

Rossi, I. (2022). eSports and metaverse in luxury and fashion: a new future.

Le, D. Q. (2022). Application of digitalization and technology in developing digital marketing for the e-sports industry in Vietnam.

Singh, A. (2022). The rise of digital advertising in eSports: A case study on Twitch (Doctoral dissertation, The IIE).

Chen, Y. M. (2022). Talent Retention in E-sports Industry~ What Really Matters.

Inzitari, T., Lyons, B., & Al Islam, M. N. (2022). Predicting pick-ban sequence in League of Legends games.

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Välisalo, T., & Ruotsalainen, M. (2022). “Sexuality does not belong to the game”: Discourses in Overwatch Community and the Privilege of Belonging. Game Studies: the international journal of computer game research, 22(3).

Shain, K. S. (2022). Sowing the Seeds of Peace in the Public-Schools via Esports Gaming with Gamers For Peace.

Berndt, A., Helmefalk, M., & McCauley, B. (2022). Building destination identity through esports events: The case of Jönköping, the ‘City of DreamHack’. In 5th Advances in Destination Management, Kalmar, Sweden, June 8-10, 2022..

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Surjadi, E. V., & Aryanto, B. (2022). Interjection by Commentators in Identity V E-Sports Tournament. Japanese Research on Linguistics, Literature, and Culture, 4(2), 104-113.

Bonkalo, T., Makeeva, V., Tsygankova, M., Rybakova, A., Aralova, E., & Plekhanova, E. (2022). Public attitudes to esports development based on the survey of university students and sports psychologists. Revista Conrado, 18(87), 346-351.

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Bell, D. L. (2022). Esports Curricula in US Post-Secondary Institutions: A Case Study.

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Joo, H. T., Lee, S. H., Bae, C. M., & Kim, K. J. (2023). Learning to automatically spectate games for Esports using object detection mechanism. Expert Systems with Applications, 213, 118979.

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Mendoza, G., Bonilla, I., Chamarro, A., Jiménez, M., & Barcelona, V. (2022). Defining what an esports player is. A systematic review on the samples used in esports research.

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Mikail, B. A. T. U., KOCAÖMER, C., Onur, T. O. S., & KOCAÖMER, N.,(2022). Understanding Motivational Factors Influencing Intention to Play Esports Games in Türkiye. TRT Akademi, 7(16), 1032-1051.

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Woerlein, A. H. (2022). Die rechtliche Zukunft der Online-Sportwette.

Wolbers, P. W. (2022). Posture as stress indicator in eSports (Bachelor's thesis, University of Twente).

Abed, A., & Rinkevic, K. (2022). How do esports actors perceive the Metaverse as a servicescape for esports: An interpretative phenomenological analysis: An exploratory study about the business opportunities and challenges in the Metaverse.

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Reyes, D. (2022). The Cognitive, Behavioral, Affective, and Physiological Components of Social Cognition in Esports and Education.
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