Browse Items (4 total)

Di Virgilio, F., Soliman, M., Anwar ul Haq, M., & Fantini, S. (2022). Analysing Users’ Engagement with eSports Team: Does Covid-19 Matter?. In HR Analytics and Digital HR Practices (pp. 243-271). Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore.

Friehs, M. A., Klarkowski, M., Frommel, J., Phillips, C., & Mandryk, R. L. (2022). Enhanced Esports: Community Perspectives on Performance Enhancers in Competitive Gaming. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 6(CHI PLAY), 1-29.

Macey J., Bujić M. (2022) The Talk of the Town: Community Perspectives on Loot Boxes. In: Ruotsalainen M., Törhönen M., Karhulahti VM. (eds) Modes of Esports Engagement in Overwatch. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Zimmer, F., & Scheibe, K. (2019). What drives streamers? Users’ characteristics and motivations on social live streaming services. In Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
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