Browse Items (6 total)

Stein, V., & Scholz, T. M. (2016). Sky is the Limit. Esports as Entrepreneurial Innovator for Media Management. Interdisciplinarity in Social and Human Sciences, 5, 622-631.

Partin, W. C. (2020). Bit by (Twitch) Bit: “Platform Capture” and the Evolution of Digital Platforms. Social Media + Society, 6(3). 1-12

Koch, N., Pongratz, S., McCauley, B., & Achtenhagen, L. (2020). ‘Smashing It’: How User Entrepreneurs Drive Innovation in Esports Communities. International Journal of Esports, 1(1). Retrieved from

Partin, W. C. (2020). Bit by (twitch) bit:“platform capture” and the evolution of digital platforms. Social media+ society, 6(3), 2056305120933981.

Collison-Randall, H., Hayday, E. J., & Loat, R. (2022). Esport in the sport for development and peace sector: Innovation and spheres of change. In Social Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Sport for Development and Peace (pp. 202-214). Routledge.

Rintämaki, J., Jane Hayday, E., & Loat, R. (2023). "Chapter 31: Corporate social (ir-)responsibility - CSR in esports: a strategic bridge to sport for development?". In Handbook of Sport and International Development. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar…
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