Browse Items (28 total)

Besombes, N. (2015). Du streaming au mainstreaming : mécanismes de médiatisation du sport électronique. In Obœuf, A. (Ed.), Sport et médias, Essentiels d’Hermès, Paris : CNRS éditions, 179-189.

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Brown, K. A., Billings, A. C., Murphy, B., & Puesan, L. (2018). Intersections of Fandom in the Age of Interactive Media: eSports Fandom as a Predictor of Traditional Sport Fandom. Communication & Sport, 6(4), 418-435.

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Egliston, B. (2015). Playing Across Media: Transtextuality in Competitive Games and eSports. In Proceedings of DiGRA 2015: Diversity of play: Games — Cultures — Identities.

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Lopez-Gonzalez, H., & Griffiths, M. (2016). Understanding the Convergence of Markets in Online Sports Betting. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 53(7), 807–823.

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Kordyaka, B., Jahn, K., & Niehaves, B. (2020). To Diversify or Not? Uncovering the Effects of Identification and Media Engagement on Franchise Loyalty in eSports. International Journal on Media Management, 22(1), 49-66.

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Scholz, T. M. (2020). Deciphering the World of eSports. International Journal on Media Management, 22(1), 1-12.

Scholz, T. M., & Stein, V. (2017). Going Beyond Ambidexterity in the Media Industry: Esports as Pioneer of Ultradexterity. International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations, 9(2), 47-62.

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