Browse Items (13 total)

Kugler, L. (2022). How AI is driving the esports boom. Communications of the ACM, 65(9), 17-18.

Hulaj, R., Nyström, M. B. T., Sörman, D. E., Backlund, C. Röhlcke, S., & Jonsson, B. (2020). A Motivational Model Explaining Performance in Video Games, Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1-12.

Suschevskiy, V., & Marchenko, E. (2018). Network Analysis of Player Transfers in Esports: The Case of Dota 2. DGTS 2018: Digital Transformation and Global Society, 468–473.

Kirkegaard, E. O. W. (2018). Is National Mental Sport Ability a Sign of Intelligence? An Analysis of the Top Players of 12 Mental Sports. PsyArxiv.

Grutzik, P., Higgins, J., & Tran, L. (2017). Predicting Outcomes of Professional DotA 2 Matches. Working Paper

Georgen, C., Duncan, S. C., & Cook, L. (2015). From Lurking to Participatory Spectatorship: Understanding Affordances of the Dota 2 Noob Stream. In CSCL 2015 Proceedings (pp. 581–585).

Gdowski, M. (2017). Cognitive Function Analysis in e-sport on Example of DotA 2 Game. Doctoral dissertation. Instytut Radioelektroniki i Technik Multimedialnych.

Elam, J., & Taylor, N. (2020). Above the Action: The Cultural Politics of Watching Dota 2. Communication, Culture & Critique, 1-18.

Egliston, B. (2018). E-sport, Phenomenality and Affect. Transformations, 31, 156-176.

Drachen, A., Yancey, M., Maguire, J., Chu, D., Wang, I. Y., Mahlmann, T., …, & Klabjan, D. (2016). Skill-based Differences in Spatio-temporal Team Behavior in Defence of the Ancients 2. 6th IEEE Consumer Electronics Society Games, Entertainment,…

Ismangil, M. (2018). (Re)creating the Nation Online: Nationalism in Chinese Dota 2 Fandom. Asiascape: Digital Asia, 5(3).

Xia, B., Wang, H., & Zhou, R. (2019). What Contributes to Success in MOBA Games? An Empirical Study of Defense of the Ancients 2. Games and Culture, 14(5), 498-522.

Almeida, C. E. M., Correia, R. C. M., Eler, D. M., Olivete-Jr, C., Garci, R. E., Scabora, L. C., & Spadon, G. (2017). Prediction of winners in MOBA games. In Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI.
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