Browse Items (5 total)

Carrillo-Vera, J. A., & Aguado-Terrón, J. M. (2019). The eSports Ecosystem: Stakeholders and Trends in a New Show Business. Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies, 11 (1), 3-22.

Peng, Q., Dicksson, G., Scelles, N., Grix, J., & Brannagan, P. M. (2020). Esports Governance: Exploring Stakeholder Dynamics. sustainability, 12, 8270.

Schöber, T., Haut, N., Stahl, D., Baulig, C., Baur, P., Felgendreher, L., Franke, A., Gower, J., Schult, J., Weichert, N. (2024). Strukturen und Facilities: Infrastruktur, Stakeholder, Ausstattung und Räumlichkeiten im elektronischen Sport. Meyer &…

Scholz, T. M. (2020). Deciphering the World of eSports. International Journal on Media Management, 22(1), 1-12.

Witkowski, E. (2022). Growing Pains in Esports Associationalism: Four Modes of National Esports Associational Development. Games and Culture, 15554120221084449.
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