Browse Items (5 total)

Carrillo-Vera, J. A., & Aguado-Terrón, J. M. (2019). The eSports Ecosystem: Stakeholders and Trends in a New Show Business. Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies, 11 (1), 3-22.

Scholz, T. M. (2020). Deciphering the World of eSports. International Journal on Media Management, 22(1), 1-12.

Peng, Q., Dicksson, G., Scelles, N., Grix, J., & Brannagan, P. M. (2020). Esports Governance: Exploring Stakeholder Dynamics. sustainability, 12, 8270.

Witkowski, E. (2022). Growing Pains in Esports Associationalism: Four Modes of National Esports Associational Development. Games and Culture, 15554120221084449.

Schöber, T., Haut, N., Stahl, D., Baulig, C., Baur, P., Felgendreher, L., Franke, A., Gower, J., Schult, J., Weichert, N. (2024). Strukturen und Facilities: Infrastruktur, Stakeholder, Ausstattung und Räumlichkeiten im elektronischen Sport. Meyer &…
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