Browse Items (11 total)

Bányai, F., Griffiths, M. D., Demetrovics, Z., & Király, O. (2019). The Mediating Effect of Motivations Between Psychiatric Distress and Gaming Disorder Among eSport Gamers and Recreational Gamers. Comprehensive Psychatry, 94, 1-8.

Poulus, D., Coulter, T. J., Trotter, M. G., & Polman, R. (2020). Stress and Coping in Esports and the Influence on Mental Toughness. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1-11.

Smith, M. J., Birch, P. D. J., & Bright, D. (2019). Identifying Stressors and Coping Strategies of Elite eSports Competitors. International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations, 11(2), 22-39.

Leis, O., & Lautenbach, F. (2020). Psychological and Physiological Stress in Non-Competitive and Competitive Esports Settings: A Systematic Review. Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 51, 1-14.

Valladao, S. P., Middleton, J., & Andre, T. L. (2020). Esport: Fortnite Acutely Increases Heart Rate of Young Men. International Journal of Exercise Science, 13(6), 1217-1227.

Poulus, D., Coulter, T., Trotter, M., & Polman, R. (2021). Perceived stressors experienced by competitive esports athletes. International Journal of Esports.

Poulus, D. R., Coulter, T. J., Trotter, M. G., & Polman, R. (2022). Longitudinal analysis of stressors, stress, coping and coping effectiveness in elite esports athletes. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 60, 102093.

Sabtan, B. A. (2022). Human Factors in Esports: Investigating performance measures, coaching practices, and stress training in League of Legends (Doctoral dissertation, University of Waterloo).

Leis, O. Stress (2022), Psychophysiology, and Performance in Esports: From the Relevance of Research to Intervention Strategies.

Reyes, D. (2022). The Cognitive, Behavioral, Affective, and Physiological Components of Social Cognition in Esports and Education.

Wolbers, P. W. (2022). Posture as stress indicator in eSports (Bachelor's thesis, University of Twente).
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