Browse Items (6 total)

Lange, S. M. (2022). E-Sport im Fernsehen-Eine Analyse der Chancen eines neuen Themenfelds bei deutschen Fernsehsendern.

Jacobs, N., & Booth, P. (2021). Converging experiences, converging audiences: An analysis of doctor who on Twitch. Convergence, 27(5), 1324-1342.

Bruns, A. (2009). The user-led disruption: self-(re) broadcasting at Justin. tv and elsewhere. In Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Interactive TV and Video (pp. 87-90).

Filotrani, L. (2020). Television needs Esports but Esports Doesn't Need Television. In. L. M. Walzak, & J. Recupero (Eds.), Sport Media Vectors: Digitization, Expanding Audiences, and the Globalization of Live Sport (pp. x-y). Champaign, IL. Common…

Maric, J. (2011). eSport im TV: Fernsehaneignung einer Computerspielkultur. In M. Elsler (Ed.), Die Aneignung von Medienkultur (pp. 193-213). VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Hutchins, B. & Rowe, D. (2012). Sport Beyond Television: The Internet, Digital Media and the Rise of Networked Media Sport. London: Routledge.
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