Browse Items (4 total)

Harttung, J. (2015). The Issue of “Deep Control” in Professional E-Sports – A Critical Analysis of Intellectual Property Structures in Electronic Gaming. Master’s Thesis. University of Toronto, Toronto.

Hentsch, C.-H. (2018). Die Urheberrechte der Publisher bei eSport: vertragliche Ausgestaltung der Rechteeinräumung bei Computerspielen. Multimedia und Recht, 3-6.

Rogers, J. (2012). Crafting an Industry: An Analysis of Korean StarCraft and Intellectual Properties Law, Harvard Journal of Law & Technology

Rothman, J. (2013). E-sports as a Prism for the Role of Evolving Technology in Intellectual Property. University of Pennsylvania Law Review Online, 116, 317-329.
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