Browse Items (5 total)

Zendle, D. (2020). Beyond Loot Boxes: A Variety of Gambling-Like Practices in Video Games are Linked to Both Problem Gambling and Disordered Gaming. PeerJ, 8. 1-26.

Wardle, H., Petrovskaya, E., & Zendle, D. (2020). Defining the Esports Bettor: Evidence from an Online Panel Survey of Emerging Adults. International Gambling Studies, published online before print.

Wardle, H. (2021). When Games and Gambling Collide: Modern Examples and Controversies. In Wardle, H., Games Without Frontiers? Socio-historical Perspectives at the Gaming/Gambling Intersection (pp. 35-77). Palgrave Macmillan.

Macey, J., & Hamari, J. (2019). eSports, Skins and Loot Boxes: Participants, Practices and Problematic Behaviour Associated with Emergent Forms of Gambling. New Media & Society, 21(1), 20–41.

Macey J., Bujić M. (2022) The Talk of the Town: Community Perspectives on Loot Boxes. In: Ruotsalainen M., Törhönen M., Karhulahti VM. (eds) Modes of Esports Engagement in Overwatch. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
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